viernes, 6 de agosto de 2010

running, no, walking day #8

Ok…. even though i said to myself yesterday: "you will not exercise, you will not exercise" being the obsessive person that I am, and following my sister's advice, I decided that, no, I would not let a slight pain on my knee stop me from reaching my goal. BIG BIG BIG mistake. I didnt go in the morning, because i had dentist in the morning, but afte eating and french homework, i decided to do some power-walking. But of course, he pain didnt dissapear, just got worst. I arrived home and by then, my knee was inflamed and walking was almost impossible.

Went to my other sisters house, and after she saw it, she recommended me to get an xray, because i might have broken my menisci.
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Apparently, thats not fixed with painkillers and flanax, its fixed with surgery…. yeeeey.

It sucks, the moment i decide to become healthier i become unhealthy! MY GOD! Im 21 and falling to pieces… but i cant focus on the bad. There's already far too many bad things going on for me to wallow in self-pity

On the bright side… If i get the surgery, i'll be able to go to mexico city and meet up with my friends and gloat on the attention i'll get.

Plus i'll get to use a wheelchair and pretend to talk like Stephen Hawking.

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

Primero que lo vea un doctor después decidimos que es roto no esta pero no se ve bien!!!