lunes, 2 de agosto de 2010

first entry into the blogosphere...

Ok... so here I go.

Decided to start a blog, because, honestly, my holidays ran too long and since I didn't look for any internship I'm left in the nothingness of summer so... Im blogging.

As the title reads, Im a bit of everything and everywhere, a wonderer if you wish. My interests are many and varied, so Im an eclectic creature which finds interesting almost everything. So this blog is gonna be about everything I find interesting, or that Im up to. From rants, philosopher-like moments, fashion, music, to day-to-day mindless activities. So there's no fixed topic.

Blogging for a while seemed to me a very egocentric activity; always talking about oneself, and one's thoughts bla bla... but as my psychologist one said, I have egocentric tendencies… so i might as well indulge in them, no? (nuff' said, after that session, i never went to a psychologist anymore, and i have a deeeeeep mistrust in anyone trying to catalogue my mind into a pre-made format) So now, I'll blog, and give in to my narcissistic tendencies and hope i can make some sense out of me to you, whoever you are who might be interested in reading me.

So… here I go...

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