lunes, 2 de agosto de 2010

21 days of running- why?

So i started running 4 days ago, and Im loving it so far! I read somewhere that a human being creates a habit after repeating an activity for 21 days straight, so i chose to finally start to do some exercise, and see if I can turn it into a habit. So for 21 days I'll try to tame my mind and body into a healthy routine. So far i feel amazing, my legs hurt like crazy, but the masochistic kind of pain: the one you like because you can feel how your body slowly, but surely, becomes stronger and leaner and you want more and more. I finally understand those crazy sporty-types who talk non-stop about endorphins… its such a high to reach 5 miles bathed in sweat… i never thought i could get THAT type of high (and scream when you reach the target in the treadmill).

I decided to get one healthy habit before going back to school (im in uni, so healthy habits are not my forte) so i ran through my mind all the options possible that i could actually keep up where i study (so surfing, windsurfing, and any water related sports where out, as well as those sport which require heights. Firstly because i live in a godforsaken piece of flat land, and secondly because its just too darn cold to get wet or out too much). As much as i love tennis and I've played it when young, the sole idea of going to play to the open courts in the middle of winter was a no-go… so had to be something i could do indoors. I hate doing weights and stuff, i just really feel dumb doing them, besides, i dont like muscles on women, they just dont look nice (sorry if you feel otherwise). But the treadmill, and outdoor running never bothered me. In fact, i've always loved it, and as much cold and flat as my town is, it sure does have beautiful scenery, with amazing paths between forests and by the frozen ocean sore, which can be ran during "ok days" (meaning… average 11ºc with some sun, and tons of cold wind). All the other days, the gym of my school is pretty cool, with decent equipment. So, I choose to run.

Why exercise? I was a fat kid, a really really fat kid, and as a tween i became anorexic, which good or bad, made me loose weight and enter a normal weight. Ever since, i've always been thin, of course, never a size 0, because my latin blood would never allow my ass to get THAT small, but always between 2-4, so its good. again, why excersise? honestly, because i wanna get tighter. I might be thin, but i wanna get tight and lean. Im slightly obsessed with fashion and stuff, so in order to get myslef in my D&G jeans, i have to stay fit. And although dieting and studuing might be enough, i wanna give that extra push, to finally give me the body i want. And not through starvation, but through a sports, which actually is as empowering as negating yourself a meal. because when you get into the zone… with the sweat dripping down your body, and all your muscles in perfect sync with your heartbeat and lungs… wow, nothing spells empowerment like that! So its a way to whip my indulgent life into some sort of order, plus allowing me to look amazing in my clothes!

ok… too much by now… but FWI, its day 4 of running, let see how it goes

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