sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010

no more running for me...

No more running for me, no sir. The universe has spoken, and I'll listen, for once.

Today, i limped my way to the hospital to get some x-rays or something so that i know what happened. When I arrived, they ushered me to the IR room, and as the doctor arrived i started telling him about my menisci and my dr-house diagnostic. he looked slightly pissed ( i bet all these tv dr shows have caused a lot of people thinking that bay watching the, they r just as good as anyone who did 9 years in med school). While I rambled about all the analysis i googled i should get done, he looked at my knee touched it, pulled it, twitched it and then asked me about how the pain was. When I replied, he smiled and said he was sorry to inform me that, sadly, we didnt need a helicopter to take me from cancun to mexico city, and that i didnt have a broken menisci. I just had Bursistis. Bursitis is basically a small bag-like area in the knee, that when a muscle is injured, fills up with liquid and causes the pain i had.

"are you positive? because i'm almost sure I have broken menisci"
"yes, im positive"
"you sure? wouldnt you feel better with an xray?"
"no, Im possitive, you have bursitis, not broken menisci. Trust me"
"you have bursitis"

I smiled, he gave me painkillers, a recipe and ordered me to rest the whole weekend and give him a call on monday to see when i can run again.

So… i'll have a tranquil weekend watching tv and with my family, no running or any strenuous activity.

To tell you the truth, the lazy girl inside of me is jumping up and down.

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