miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2010

running day #6

Its so hard to actually get myself on my running outfit in the morning! Im a morning person, but a lazy-morning person. Im not the kind to get up at 6 and manage to do all I have to do by noon. No, thats not me, Im more of a…. wake up, make some coffee, read the news in all the newspapers possible, read articles, listen to the news, facebook, and mindless browsing for like an hour or more… until i force myself to get up and get into my sneakers….

but when I get into the treadmill (that thank God has a tv) and start warming up… wow! Im currently getting my over-indulgent body accustomed to do exercise, which is the hardest part, as all of you who are getting into a running regime know. Now im working for 60 minutes divided by six, so im working in segments of 10 minutes. of those 10 minutes, I powerwalk for 4 minutes at 4mph, and then for the next 6 minutes i run at 6.5mph. So at the end of those 60 minutes, i run approximately 5.40 miles, which is approximately, 540 cals burned. Awesome, right? Actually, i just found out, that 1 mile, equals 100 calories, which really pushes me to run that extra mile, to hang on just one more minute on the treadmill, to run faster!

when my week is over, im gonna change my segments, and cut down my power walk and increase my running time to 7 minutes. And the week after that, is gonna be 8 minutes run and 2 minutes power-walk. By then, i hope my body becomes more accustomed to run, exercise, and obviously… i hope to see some physical changes!!! I have this little mini tight black backless dress waiting to go out and play!!!

but the truth is… that when i finish and see the milage… its all worth it, biggest power rush ever.

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