jueves, 5 de agosto de 2010

running day #7

One week of running and im already hurt. Faaaantastic! Today actually was the hardest day of all…

of course, the morning as always is horrible… it so hard to go out! But as soon as i got on the treadmill i just didnt feel right. I was more tired than usual, so i blamed it on cigarettes, but it wasnt that… Then, like 15 mins into the workout, i got something that seemed a liver pain which made the run harder, and painful. however, i continued… and then.. (thankfully) like in the minute 55, my right knee started to hurt. It wasnt the knee precisely, it was more the muscle of the back of the knee. I thought it was just a stretch, and that my after run yoga would fix… no no no no.

it didnt. now.. i'm limping. I already put on some Bengue, but the pain isnt going away, so i'll try some Naxodol to see if that works. Of course, i wont run tomorrow, i dont wanna make it worst besides i have a dentist appointment at 9am, so its good.

anyways, i feel very frustrated that tomorrow i wont be able to run, of course its not my fault and its not laziness, its just basically that i feel so impotent when my body cannot keep up with me, or stops me from what I want to do. gets you thinking right? we have so much in side, so much we want to do, and so much we could do.. its our bodies that keep us tied to the ground.

Close your eyes.
there seems to be an enormous ocean inside of us, filled with endless dreams, ideas, possibilities, movements and so much much more we want even grasp…
open them… Yet we're so small… so frail…

good night, i'll go in for a swim

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